You are probably already familiar with what a process server does. He or she is responsible for delivering court documents to someone who may be a witness for, or a party to, a lawsuit, court proceeding, or any number of legal matters. Process servers’ first and foremost duty is to ensure that the intended recipient of a particular document is officially notified of the pending matter involving them so they will have ample opportunity to take appropriate action.

Since process servers typically locate those they serve at home or work, where they are likely to be at certain hours, some folks can’t help but wonder if they will call before their arrival. Unfortunately, there is no distinct answer to this question when it comes to process serving in Baton Rouge. The circumstances depend on the unique factors involved in the case and the matter’s jurisdiction.

More Often, the Answer Is No

As anyone familiar with process serving is undoubtedly aware, it is usually a prolonged game of cat and mouse. Many would-be servees erroneously feel that avoiding service of the process means that any action against them will simply disappear. That means that process servers are constantly concerned with would-be recipients evading and avoiding their attempts at serving the process. Giving such folks a call will only give them a heads-up to hide, not answer the door, or ensure they are not home.

Sometimes, the Answer Is Yes

However, there are some cases where a Lafayette, Louisiana process server will give you a courtesy ring, probably from a blocked number, before gracing you with their presence, but it is not likely. A process server typically will only do this in matters that are not as contentious as the standard lawsuit, such as delivering a subpoena to someone who doesn’t mind testifying. This is usually done simply so the process server can verify the recipient’s identity and address or schedule a mutually convenient time for process service. After all, if there is no reason to incorporate the element of surprise, there is also no reason for the process server to waste time driving out to the recipient’s address for nothing.

Sometimes, It Isn’t a Process Server At All

That said, remember, just because legitimate servers may call you, that doesn’t mean that every person calling you and claiming to be a process server is honest. Scammers have been known to pretend to be Metairie, Louisiana process servers, claiming they have documents threatening an impending lawsuit. They will give you a chance to solve the matter over the phone or in person, but such “debts” they say you owe are non-existent money grabs. Truthfully, process servers do not read legal papers due to privacy laws, and they also have no sway with the court if you owe a debt. Please don’t fall for it!

Lastly, the rules, regulations, and laws regarding the service of process vary significantly between states and even jurisdictions within states. For example, some areas will require numerous attempts at personal service of process before alternative methods, such as calling ahead, can be used. Yet, most of the time, it comes down to the process server’s discretion. Having a solid understanding of the matter beforehand makes that decision easier.

Process Server near Carencro, LA,

Lafayette Process Servers LLC- Baton Rouge Location