The Role of Professional Process Servers

People often overlook the role of a professional process server in legal proceedings. However, these individuals play a crucial role in ensuring the legal system operates smoothly and efficiently. In this article, we will explore the importance of professional process servers and the services they provide.

What is a Professional Process Server?

A process server is a trained person who delivers legal papers to people involved in a court case. These documents can include subpoenas, summons, complaints, and other legal notices. Process servers deliver legal documents promptly and correctly, following state and federal laws.

The National Association of Professional Process Servers (NAPPS)

Professional Process Serverby Austin Distel (

NAPPS is a non-profit group for process servers in the US. They support and advocate for professional process servers. Founded in 1982, NAPPS provides its members education, certification, and networking opportunities. NAPPS members must follow high standards and stay informed on industry news and best practices.

Services Provided by Professional Process Servers

Professional process servers offer a variety of services to assist with legal proceedings. These services include:

Service of Process

A process server’s main job is to give legal papers to people in a court case. This can include individuals, businesses, or government agencies. Process servers must follow rules and provide proof to the court that they delivered documents correctly.

Skip Tracing

In some cases, individuals may attempt to avoid being served with legal documents. In these cases, process servers may use skip tracing to locate the person and ensure they deliver the papers.

Court Filing

Process servers can help with court filing by submitting legal documents to the court for their clients. This can save time and hassle for individuals involved in a court case.

Document Retrieval

In addition to delivering legal documents, process servers may also assist with retrieving documents from the court. This can be especially helpful for individuals who cannot physically go to court.

Why Hire a Professional Process Server?

Hiring a professional process server can provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Knowledge of state and federal laws regarding service of process
  • Timely and proper delivery of legal documents
  • Proof of service for the court
  • Skip tracing services to locate individuals who are avoiding service
  • Assistance with court filing and document retrieval


In conclusion, professional process servers are crucial in the legal system. By joining groups like NAPPS and offering different services, they ensure they perform legal processes well and quickly. If you need a process server, hire a certified professional to provide the best outcome for your case.

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