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Yes, skip tracing can help you locate someone. Skip tracing is a process used to locate an individual who has gone missing or whose contact information is inaccurate. It involves assessing available information on the subject and uncovering facts that will help in locating the individual.

Skip tracing is commonly used by bounty hunters, process servers, debt collectors, private investigators, and law enforcement agencies to locate individuals for various purposes. It is also used by real estate professionals to find an owner’s telephone numbers and email addresses for quick and easy contact.

In addition, skip tracing can be used in healthcare collections to locate patients who have overdue accounts but whose contact information is not up-to-date.

Overall, skip tracing can be a powerful tool when trying to locate someone who has gone missing or whose contact information is inaccurate.


What is Skip Tracing & How Does It Work?


We want to make it clear that Lafayette Process Servers LLC does not offer legal advice. Although they can provide a reference guide, it is important to consult a qualified attorney for advice on the laws that apply to your specific circumstances and location. Also, keep in mind that process server regulations may differ by state, so always confirm any information before taking action. Lastly, please note that their witness locating and skip tracing services are only meant for legal process purposes.